Kai joins us from FRES-PAH in the California Central Valley aka San Joaquin Valley. He can be found on Facebook at https://www.Facebook.com/davidlicalsi or on Snapchat: dlicalsi0216
Welcome Kai! Could you please introduce yourself?
I’m Alpha Kai, David LiCalsi, from Fresno Ca. My Fiance and Beta pup is Dustin AKA Pup Hero.
I tend to be aggressive or authoritative in nature tis why I work at the corporate level in the food industry. Have to get results somewhere.
Used to work for my counties coroners office as a transporter and evidence collector.
Was in the US Army twice. Recent position was Human Intelligence Collector aka Interrogator or interrogations
How did you become involved in human puppy play?
I randomly joined tiktock when I was sleeping in the opposite room of my ex husband. We had started divorce proceedings and I was sleeping in an armchair drunk every night. I had no happiness. Joined TT and saw pups on videos. Thought as I was drunk “That could be me!!” Woke up the next day and realized sober I still wanted to do it it now helps me with my depression, bipolar, PTSD, and anxiety. I proudly wear my hood driving and in public.
Do you consider yourself to be a pup, a handler, both, or something else?
An Alpha Pup. But I have Handler qualities I am looking into
What are the top things you enjoy about human puppy play?
Friends and community support
Freedom from my mental issues.
Love and compassion for those the same as I am.
Are you a member of a pack?
No pack. Never have been. Never found a reason to.
What do you like best about your pack?
Has your involvement in human puppy play impacted other aspects of your life?
I am able to go to work on a shitty day and think “it’s almost over and I can get into pup headspace and not have to deal with adulting
I spend so much of my free time educating myself about all aspects of BDSM even if I am particularly uninterested in the kink/fetish myself. This is due to the need to know more. My mind is hungry for knowledge. I will never stop learning.
You see a squirrel; what do you do?
Chase that mother fucker. Watch me.
Do you have any advice for new or curious pups and handlers?
Do you have any advice for new or curious pups and handlers?
Read books out there. They help you TRULY understand pup play.
Find pups near you and meet and greet with them.
Socials. Go to them. You can hide behind your hood. I HATE meeting people but if I have my hood and I dont have to take it off, well then, they cant see nothing but a pup.
I works. Promise you this!!
And when you’re comfortable with them surprise them and take your hood off. It makes it that much more special to see the human under the pup space!!
What is your favorite color?
100000000000% only TEAL
Thank you Kai! You were the first to reach out to me to tell your story! You have truly stepped up in the FRES-PAH Community! You are in need of belly rubs next time we hold a meet! =D